Hosted Post: Share Your Sacred Work! — Welcome from Matthew Fox

Hosted Post: Share Your Sacred Work!

Matthew Fox will be keynoting at the Creation Spirituality Communities International Gathering, April 26-29. The CSC Team is currently developing the program and has put out a call to people from all walks of life - to you -  to partner with them in this co-creative event, titled Sacred Earth, Sacred Work:



Special opportunities for you to share and collaborate!

During the SACRED EARTH-SACRED WORK Gathering, we are not just musing on a concept, we are talking about real sacred work, your sacred work - what you do every day. We created the gathering as a way to highlight how you connect with the sacredness of our planet.  

This gathering was created to discover, support, and connect your work to the work of others - and to experience how what you do is appreciated and inspiring to others.

Come to the gathering - and bring your work with you!

Activists ~  Managers ~ Teachers  
 Dream Workers ~ Conservationists  ~ Social Workers
Ministers  ~ Contemplatives ~  Business Owners  
Practitioners  ~  Spiritual Companions

We will be hosting Affinity Circles Sunday morning. Affinity Circle topics are proposed during the gathering, so that people with similar sacred work can share, collaborate, support and inspire each other.

 If you would like to be the point person for a session, please let us know. Just send us an email.

Poets, give us your insights! 
         Authors, talk about your process! 
             Artists, unveil your inner visions! 
                    Musicians, offer up your music for sharing!

Time and space is set aside during the gathering for Cohort Circles - where poets, musicians, artists and authors can meet together, set up an interactive display table with examples to share and products to sell. 

 If you would like to be the point person for your cohort's activities, please let us know. We can offer a small discount from your registration.

Just send us an email.

And Remember....

  • BECOME A SPONSOR  An unique opportunity to address and engage your community in an intimate environment. All levels of contribution available.
  • WORK TRADE POSITIONS We have a few work trade positions available  - Sponsor Recruitment, Volunteer Coordinator, Main Registration,Ticketing,Visuals and Video Curator, Workshop Management and Room Volunteers.  For more information and apply, visit our website.

We look forward to seeing you in April!
