Video Interviews

Following are a few of the many video interviews done with Matthew Fox on his writings and teachings about Creation Spirituality, mysticism, and religious reform.

See Matthew Fox’s interviews on his books:

Occupy Spirituality

The Tao of Thomas Aquinas

Essential Writings on Creation Spirituality

Interviews with Ram Dass (an unearthed treasure)

Elder Innerview with the Creation Spirituality Communities

In an interview with John Robinson, Penny Andrews and Gail Ransom of Creation Spirituality Communities, Matthew Fox offers his thoughts on aging, what has been the "thread" he's held onto through the years, and what advice he has for the next generation of mystics, activists, prophets and leaders.

Cultivating Peace in Difficult Times

In this historic discussion, filmed at the Sacred Stream Center in Berkeley, CA, Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman and Matthew Fox examine the difficulties of our times and offer thoughtful and sometimes humorous ways of cultivating peace individually and collectively.

Segment 1: Robert Thurman and Matthew Fox discuss how they came to their respective paths and navigated the obstacles along the way.

Segment 2: Robert Thurman and Matthew Fox discuss their experience as monastics in their respective traditions, and what we can learn from societies throughout history that have been largely peaceful.

CReation Spirituality and the RElevance of Ritual

In this two-part interview, Joran Slane Oppelt of the Integral Church sits with author and theologian Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox at the 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions to discuss the relevance of the Creation Spirituality movement and the importance of ritual.

Finding Peace in Life's Challenges

Matthew Fox talks with Eric Alexander in this two-part interview hosted by  this is part 1.

What Is the Cosmic Christ?

Matthew Fox talks with Eric Alexander in Part 2 of this two-part interview hosted by

Matthew Fox, Activist Priest

Moral courage and stands of conscience: Tim Ray & Matthew Fox discuss spiritual activism on the UI Radio Show.


"We are in a time of accelerated evolution - Earth needs All hands on deck!"

Matthew Thomas of Diversity Dignified engages Matthew Fox in a passionate conversation on the urgent importance of diversity among people and other species, and the need to move beyond human-centric narcissism, as well as news of the Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality and Matthew Fox's other projects, past and present. 


"Boldly Rambunctious Ideas" on Immense Possibilities

In this challenging and provocative conversation with Jeff Golden of Immense Possibilities, Matthew Fox discusses Creation Spirituality. feminism, the limitations of institutional religion, and the need for enlightened, mystical-prophetic action in our times. 


Buddha at the Gas Pump

Rick Archer interviews Matthew Fox on the Cosmic Christ, Creation Spirituality, and the Challenges of Embodied Spirituality

Paul Jay of The Real News Network interviews Matthew Fox on the involvement of Steve Bannon with far-right elements of the Catholic Church and the growing shadow of fascism. 

Interviewed by Victor Fuhrman on A Way to God: Thomas Merton's Creation Spirituality Journey

Interviewed by Kira Young on Mysticism, the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality, and the Cosmic Mass

Interviewed by Bernard Alvarez

Interviewed by David Essel on the Teachings of Meister Eckhart

Interviewed by Chris Grosso on Mysticism and the Balance between Dogma, Experience, and Intuition

Who Are Our Spiritual Directors? interview with Spiritual Directors International at the Benedictine abbey of St. Hildegard of Bingen

Interviewed by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! on the radical message of Pope Francis.

“Mystical Experiences” conversation with biologist Rupert Sheldrake

Interviewed by Ram Dass on Matters of the Heart and Consciousness: PART 1

Interviewed by Ram Dass on Matters of the Heart and Consciousness: PART 2

Interviewed by Jeffrey Mishlove  on “Creation Spirituality,” on ThinkingAllowed TV