Dear Friends:
See the Fox Institute's informational brochure...
With the age of Trump fast approaching, many people are waking up and asking: "What can I do to put my values forward? How can I make a difference? How can I offer alternative values from the dominant messages that are going to be coming at us through media and political spin?"
Clearly our new University project called Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality offers many opportunities not only for students and staff but also for faculty and alums of previous creation spirituality programs to make a difference in a deep but positive way. Empowerment beckons us all and what better long range investment than an alternative educational vision that embodies soul, body and body politic with values of justice, passion, creativity and compassion?
So we invite you to do some soul searching yourself and ask how you can contribute to the Fox Institute. By volunteering perhaps? By promoting the school on line and every way you can? By seeking financial support or contributing to this 5013c non profit? By encouraging grass roots efforts? By spreading the word to potential students and faculty and to past grads?
Be an actor! Take your anger or your grief or both and put them to work in the Via Creativa and the Via Transformativa! Time to move beyond grief to action. Let FICS be your choice of conscience.
Matthew Fox & the FICS team