Hope & Despair In the Time of Trump
How Did We Get Here and What Can We Do About It?
For those of us working and praying to protect life on this beautiful planet, with its diverse people and cultures and ecosystems and species, the months since Election Day 2016 have seemed very dark indeed, with all we’ve worked for - civil rights and liberties, environmental regulations, public education, affordable healthcare and more – apparently under attack.
It’s tempting to slide down into depression, anxiety and despair. In fact, psychologists have a name for it – Trump Trauma. Reports of cases are off the charts since Nov. 8, 2016.
But dire as our situation is, we do have options for positive action…and even hope.
Reading the Signs of Our Times
“Hope and Despair in a Time of Trump” asks hard questions and goes beyond simplistic answers, as Matthew Fox looks at the causes of our national crisis and offers realistic, doable practices to create a more positive outcome.
This is the medicine for Trump Trauma – historical perspective with hope for the future. Tools for community solidarity and action. Steps to overcome helplessness and paralysis.
If Trump Trauma has been weighing you down, you need these answers. Just enter your name and email in the form below. You'll immediately receive the link to download the file, and you’ll also be added to our list for occasional updates about coming events.
It’s time to push back against the growing darkness. Let’s move!
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