Matthew Fox's history as a pioneering educator is long and luminous: From his visionary programs at Mundelein College and Holy Names College, to his renowned degree curricula at the University of Creation Spirituality, to his innovative work in the California public school system, he has framed and reframed a radical pedagogy based on ancient wisdom traditions melded with leading-edge science and spirituality.

Rev. Fox’s legacy lives on at the Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality, located in Boulder, Colorado. The Institute offers weeklong intensives by internationally-recognized teachers as well as new voices in spiritual leadership. FICS students are seeking to live out their Great Work. They are consciously aware of integrating their spirituality into the whole of their lives, expressing the vocation to which they feel drawn to by Spirit.

The Institute’s approach to education challenges the traditional “left brain dominant” Western education model—one that defines truth as “clear and distinct ideas” and therefore exclusively left brain/rational. Instead, FICS pedagogy integrates "art as meditation" and “body prayer” as essential parts of the learning process, thus bringing the right brain or intuition/mysticism along with the body and mind, into balance.

FICS presents a deep and broad range of classes, programs and degrees melding interfaith wisdom, cosmology and creativity into a community of engaged learners through scholarship in science, social activism and spiritual leadership. Visionary direction, policy, and programs are determined by a distinguished board of Creation Spirituality scholars and ministers .

Program areas cover a broad range of issues, including sacred activism, gender perspectives, spiritual direction, ecological justice, church and community leadership, and intergenerational wisdom, among many others.

Bold Education Takes a Bold Commitment

There is no better time for the Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality to emerge. Our culture is ripe for education that awakens compassion and challenges sleepy conventions. Humanity needs a community of diverse students and teachers who can imagine a sustainable future for ALL of life, and then work together toward that future.

To receive more information about the Institute, its mission and programs, please call the office at 720-880-3427, or complete the form below. 
