Creation Spirituality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth


Creation Spirituality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth

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Passionate and provocative, Fox uncovers the ancient tradition and the present-day movement of a creation-centered spirituality that melds Christian mysticism with the struggle for social justice, feminism, and environmentalism. Fox calls for a “Liberation theology for first-world peoples” and presents a practical outline of that theology. Basic to Fox's notion of creation spirituality is the gift of awe--a mystical response to creation and the first step toward transformation. Awe prompts indignation at the exploitation and destruction of the earth's people and resources. Awe leads to action.  He cites Rabbis Abraham Heshel’s warning that when awe is lost, false gods of consumerism take over, “forfeit your sense of awe and the universe becomes a market place for you.” Showing how we can learn from each other, Fox's spirituality weds the healing and liberation found in North American Creation Spirituality and in South American Liberation Theology. Creation Spirituality challenges readers of every religious and political persuasion to unite in a new vision through which we learn to honor the earth and the people who inhabit it as the gift of a good and just Creator.

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Paperback, 176 pages
Published by HarperOne, 1991
ISBN-10: 0060629177
ISBN-13: 978-0060629175