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Discussion: "We're Doomed, Now What?" - San Francisco, CA sponsors Matthew Fox and author Roy Scranton in a provocative conversation, "We're Doomed. Now What?"

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018 6:30 pm
110 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA

General admission is $20; for tickets, see

For Facebook live streaming, see


Matthew Fox

Author, Order of the Sacred Earth


Roy Scranton

Author, We're Doomed. Now What?


A U.S. Army veteran who served in Iraq, Roy Scranton writes about sailing through a melting Arctic, preparing for severe storms amplified by climate change, and seeking meaning in life at a very precarious time in human history. His first book was Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization and his new work is We’re Doomed. Now What?  

Matthew Fox writes that advocates need to deepen their soul through spiritual practice in order to effectively addresss climate change, humanity's ultimate existential challenge. He believes that despair must be discussed and acknowledged for that can shut down human ingenuity needed to solve the climate crisis. He is optimistic that personal and collective awakening, anchored in love, will give us the fuel to build a cleaner and more just society. 

Join us for a conversation exploring the human condition during unsettling times.