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Retreat: East Meets West: Cosmic Christ as Eco Christ, Buddha Nature, Deep Ecology - Bangor, PA

Matthew Fox leads us in exploring Buddhist writers like Thich Nhat Hanh and Christian writers from Thomas Merton to Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen and Mary Oliver and the work of Rabbi David Seiderman on Jewish ecology to awaken the sense of the Sacred Earth for us all.  Practices will include circle dancing and journal/poetry writing and sharing, grieving, chanting, a mini-pilgrimage of the Stations of the Cosmic Christ and more.  Awakening creativity is key.

March 17-19, 2017 (Friday evening through Sunday lunch)
Kirkridge Retreat Center, 2495 Fox Gap Road • Bangor, PA • 18013

A Weekend Retreat: Practices will include circle dancing and journal/poetry writing and sharing, grieving, chanting, a mini-pilgrimage of the Stations of the Cosmic Xst and more. Awakening creativity is key.

Einstein says humanity needs a "cosmic religion" grounded in conscience; Thomas Berry says "ecology is functional cosmology." Therefore, a recovery of the archetype of the Cosmic Christ from the Christian mystical tradition and the Buddha Nature from Buddhism and the Image of God from Judaism are important movements at this time of human and planetary history. As Berry says, "eventually only a sense of the sacred will save us," and these archetypes provide exactly that. We will explore Buddhist writers like Thich Nhat Hanh and Christian writers from Thomas Merton to Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen and Mary Oliver and the work of Rabbi David Seiderman on Jewish ecology to awaken the sense of the Sacred Earth for us all. 

Register HERE.