Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh (revised & Updated)



“Fox’s book faces the single greatest obstacle of spirituality in the twenty-first century….As millions walk away form organized religion, the satanic side of human nature seems more intractable than ever.  Matthew Fox has the skills of an expert diagnostician and the acumen to offer the right treatment.  Since the world is littered with the wreckage of anger, guilt, and self-judgement, there’s no better time for such a physician.” 

— Deepak Chopra

“Crafting a blueprint for social change, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh points the way toward a deeper and more compassionate way to live while eloquently revealing the means to confront evil both within and without.”

Progressive Christianity


“Matthew Fox writes boldly and brilliantly about the seven cardinal sins of the spirit and the compassionate blessings of the flesh…it is a fine blend of his great intellectual prowess, creativity and love of humanity.”

--Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves


“A scholarly masterpiece embodying a better vision and depth of perception far beyond the grasp of any one single science.  A breath-taking analysis.”

— Diarmuid O’Murchu, author of Quantum Theology: Spiritual Implications of the new Physics
and Christianity’s Dangerous Memory: A Rediscovery of the Revolutionary Jesus

“A sweeping enticing vision, pulsing with Fox's unrelenting passion.”

— San Francisco Chronicle